Meg's Minions

Meg's Minions
Everyone Needs a Sidekick

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Welcome to Meg's Minions!

Here is the inaugural blog posting for Meg's Minions' very own blog.  If you've read the "About Me" section, you'll see that this blog is dedicated to Meg's Minions and the inspiration behind it.

I guess I'll dive right into it then...

On Friday, I officially made Meg's Minions a registered small business!  I'm eager to expand my business online past and get into craft fairs.  I've always been a believer that seeing the product in person will both ensure that the product in question is right for you, whether fit or feel, and gives you an instinctual feeling about being secure in getting that product.  Perhaps I'm a bit biased, where I think my Minions are adorable, but their character really shines through when you get to play with one.  Crochet is a very tactile crafts, both in the making and the end-craft, and can be misunderstood in low-res jpg's on the internet.

Ok, enough of the rant about my business philosophies, onto the creative items!!  This weekend has been fairly productive.  Thanks to the newly uploaded episodes of Doctor Who, I was able to churn out the parts to a custom kitten minion (a memorial for a dear friend's pet that had recently passed away) and the start of a new design... a penguin.

This week, I'll be registering for a specialty class at Looped Yarn Works in Washington, DC, to learn even more about crochet fabric construction when sculpting.

Today's picture post is the latest Minion to be uploaded to a cute little turtle.  You'll have to check out my shop page to see the other pics of this turtle. :)


  1. Love it! Thayer will be bringing Will money from me to you today.

  2. It's so cute! I can't wait to see your penguin!


Let me know what you think of my work, what you would like to see me make, or what inspires your creativity.